Cremation Services in Newburgh, Indiana
If you are looking for affordable cremation services in Newburgh, Indiana, Sunset Funeral Home, Cremation Center, & Cemetery is a trusted caring choice for families in Newburgh, and the surrounding communities such as Darmstadt and Earle, Indiana.
While there may be other reputable local cremation services in Newburgh IN, Sunset Funeral Home, Cremation Center & Cemetery is there for you and stands by you every step of the way to ensure we give your loved one a dignified funeral service. Allow us the chance to serve your family. Contact us today to learn more about our Affordable Cost Options.
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Why Cremation has become a Popular Choice
People are choosing cremation over traditional funerals for different reasons:
Cremations are flexible in that you have the option of whether or not you want any type of remembrance ceremony (e.g. a funeral or visitation) beforehand. Having a service before the cremation allows families to say goodbye to the body of their loved one. With a memorial service held after the cremation, you can choose to have it at any time.
Cremations are typically less expensive than traditional funerals (we’ll cover costs in a moment) because there is often no need for a traditional casket, preparation of the remains, a cemetery plot, or a headstone.
Ashes are portable. If you move, your loved one’s ashes move with you. It’s difficult for some people to have to move away from a city or town where the grave of a loved one is located.
Cremations are considered an environmentally friendly option. At some point in the future, we may simply run out of land to bury our dead.
Have other questions about cremation in Newburgh, Indiana? We have created a free guide for you. The Everything Cremation Guide will give you a better understanding of the choices you have when you choose cremation. Download here.
Your One Place for a Better Funeral.
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