
Cremation Guide

For the first time in history, more people are choosing cremation than ground burial. We created The Everything Cremation Guide to explore the
hundreds of options available, allowing you to be creative and flexible in
surprisingly affordable ways. Get your free Guide now.

The Everything Cremation Guide

You Have Options

If you have questions about cremation, we
created The Everything Cremation Guide just for
you. This free guide reveals there is much more
than choosing between ground burial or
cremation. You’ll learn that cremation offers
surprising flexibility, including creative,
affordable, and very personal ways to customize

Funeral & Cemetery

The decision to be cremated is just the first step
in your end-of-life planning. Did you know you
can have a traditional funeral, followed by
cremation? Or that you can have a cremation,
followed by a memorial service?

Take Home Selections

Even if you select permanent placement in the cemetery or in a mausoleum niche, you can also keep a portion to design jewelry or keepsakes for yourself and for your family. Did you know that keepsakes can be created whether a cremation has just occurred, or you have existing ashes that you aren’t sure what to do with?

Request your free Everything Cremation Guide using the form below. The
Guide was created to give you a better understanding of the choices you
have when you choose cremation.

For instance, you can be embalmed for a traditional service and then
cremated—and then the ashes can be buried. Or, you might choose a
cremation bench, mausoleum niche, water burial, or take-home selections
like jewelry and other keepsakes.

That’s what this Guide is all about—informing families of the hundreds of
choices available, many of which are not available anywhere else in our area.
Request your free guide today.

What's Inside

For the first time in history, the number of people choosing cremation is more than the number choosing burial.

If you don’t know what to do with the ashes, you’re not alone. The fact is, you have hundreds of options. Read Mary’s, Alfredo’s, and Amanda’s stories.

Learn all about these options:

  • Free Cremation Garden
  • Butterfly Garden
  • Mausoleums
  • Ground Burial | Public & Private Niches
  • Granite Boulders, Benches & Pedestals

You can choose to keep a loved one’s ashes close to you always—even if you select permanent placement in the cemetery or in a mausoleum niche—by also using a portion to design jewelry or keepsakes for yourself and for your family. Cherished keepsakes can be created whether a cremation has just occurred, or If you have existing ashes that you aren’t sure what to do with.

If scattering is what you decide, you can do so on land or water (and still keep a portion for keepsakes). We offer multiple eco–friendly memorial scattering urns in many styles, shapes, and colors. Did you know you can also send ashes into space, over to the Holy Land, or create a coral reef? Our Cremation Specialists will help you plan for anything you have in mind.

Cremation allows for loved ones to have a ceremony. There is no time pressure to make fast decisions or for gathering family and friends. Learn about:

  • Memorial Services
  • Funeral Services
  • End-of-Life Celebrations

The decision to be cremated is just the first step in your end-of-life planning. Our free cremation guide shows you what many families choose and gives you space to do your own planning for your cremation.

Request your Cremation Guide
